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Boston Newborn Photos | Prepping Your Newborn for a Photoshoot

Prepping Your Newborn for a Photoshoot

Welcoming a newborn into your family is an incredibly special and joyous occasion. One way to preserve these precious early memories is through a professional newborn photoshoot. To ensure that the photoshoot captures the beauty and innocence of your little one, a few simple preparations can go a long way. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of prepping your newborn for a photoshoot.

1. Schedule the Shoot

It’s essential to book your session in advance. This guarantees a spot for you when baby arrives. The actual date will be discussed once Baby arrives.

2. Choose the Right Photographer

Selecting a skilled and experienced newborn photographer is crucial. Look for professionals who specialize in newborn photography and have a portfolio that aligns with your aesthetic preferences. Research their reputation, read reviews, and schedule a consultation to discuss your vision and ensure they have a safe and comfortable environment. Consider hiring an in-home newborn photographer to make the session comfortable and stress fee.

3. Create a Comfortable Setting

Prioritize your baby's comfort during the photoshoot. Ensure your home is warm (around 75-80°F) to keep your newborn cozy. Bring along familiar items like blankets and soft toys to provide a sense of security for your little one. Remember to communicate any specific concerns or preferences to the photographer.

4. Time It Right

Schedule the photoshoot around your baby's feeding and sleeping routines. Aim for a time when your newborn is well-rested and content. A full tummy and a clean diaper will contribute to a happier and more cooperative baby during the session.

5. Dress for Success

Keep the wardrobe simple and timeless. Opt for soft, neutral-colored clothing, or consider using wraps and blankets that allow your baby's natural beauty to shine through. Avoid clothing with loud patterns or large logos that could distract from the main subject.


Preparing your newborn for a photoshoot is a wonderful way to create lasting memories and capture their fleeting moments of infancy. By scheduling the shoot, choosing the right photographer, creating a comfortable setting, timing it right, and dressing appropriately, you can ensure a successful and enjoyable experience that will result in stunning photographs to cherish for years to come.

Vanessa Keo Photography is an affordable in-home newborn photographer specializing in maternity photos & in-home newborn photography.

Vanessa Keo photography is located in Boston, MA and serves the northshore of Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire.

For additional information click here!

If you are ready to book your session today click here!

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